Pro-Nox™ Specialties
Did you know that nitrous oxide (N2O) has been used in labor and delivery since the 1880s?! Today, women’s health professionals use our safe combination of 50% nitrous oxide and 50% oxygen to relieve OB-GYN patients of any pain, discomfort, or anxiety that they may feel either before or during their procedure. In obstetrics-gynecology, patients can experience unparalleled analgesic comfort thanks to Pro-Nox™.
Top OB-GYN Treatments In Our Pro-Nox™ Comfort Zones
For women seeking a less invasive delivery or those unable to receive an epidural, Pro-Nox™ is a fast-acting solution that grants birthing moms the comfort they deserve. Trusted in hospitals and birthing centers, Pro-Nox™ seamlessly integrates into your L&D department.
Gynecologists agree that MORE needs to be done about IUD pain. In light of the CDC’s updated guidelines for pain management during IUD insertions, doctors are rethinking their protocols. A “pain-changer” with other OB-GYN treatments, Pro-Nox™ is also a great complement to intrauterine device placements.
Pap smears are routine gynecologic exams, but many women dread them. Pro-Nox™ can help patients relax, simultaneously helping providers get the best cervical sample possible.
Treatments for incontinence and vaginal laxity or dryness can be life-changing, but also nerve-wracking and extremely uncomfortable for patients. Pro-Nox™ (100% self-administered) brings patients to the Comfort Zone for as long as they need it.
In the event that a cervical or vulvar biopsy becomes necessary for your patient, Pro-Nox™ safely alleviates periprocedural anxiety/discomfort—all while patients remain fully conscious and responsive throughout their procedure.
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Become a Pro-Nox™ Comfort Zone
No matter what your specialty, Pro-Nox™ can help your patients with pain, stress, and anxiety! Join over 8,000+ practices and become a Pro-Nox™ Comfort Zone, we promise your patients will love it.